Introducing our brand new Life Journal 2.0. This updated Life Journal now has our Classic reading plan as well as what was formerly our First Steps/Youth reading plan. The First Steps/Youth reading plan is called "Express" and uses selected passages from our Classic plan. This is a perfect option for those just getting started and makes it easy to move to the full reading plan.
It's our best-selling book yet it has no words! It’s a blank devotional book and you are the author! The Life Journal comes with a Bible reading plan to take you through the whole Bible once a year. The reading plan is abbreviated for those just getting familiar with the Bible and also with a full reading plan. Through decades of refining with tens of thousands Christians doing daily devotions, we include Life Journal instructions. Not only will you get something out of your daily Bible readings, but the Bible will also get into your life.
60 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Best Kept Secret!
In my opinion, the original SOAP is one of the best kept secrets hidden from the Church. Believers are kept in the dark about the blessings and the joy that comes from this daily, simple beautiful method of receiving from the LORD! I have been a Christian for 54 years. I wish someone had shared SOAP with me when I was 18. I believe my life, would have been smoother in serving Jesus, if I had my SOAP/LIFE journal with me. But, as we all know, the Holy Spirit had not revealed it to His servant yet, Wayne Cordero. I’ve been using these for 14 years and have told my kids: “When I go to Heaven, just read my SOAP Journals and you’ll know all about your mom! Then pass them down to your kids!” P.S. I like the Royal Blue and Silver GLITTER ones best! Are you they out of print???
Both journals were perfect
I started my journal on May 8th. My wife was so impressed she wanted one too. We love the way they help focus our Bible study. Also love the way you arrange the daily readings to complement each other. I've struggled with daily Bible reading for years. Haven't missed a day yet, and still looking forward to it every morning.
great gift
i have a soap group and i give as a gift when joining the group. they enjoy the gift and helps them to soap from the start i notice.
Great Bible Study Tool
The Life Journal has become a fundamental tool that we use to train our people in how to read the Bible. The SOAP method along with the reading plans make it a perfect fit our our life group and discipleship ministries. Thanks for supporting our ministry by producing these tools!
Best decision ever!
Gifting this to others as it is a true life changer!
Absolutely Love
We are a ministry in Minnesota that is committed to biblical living and helping the body of Christ to know God's Word for their lives. We have used this journal for more than 14 years with our students -- it is a powerful tool for learning and growing with God
Life notes and scripture memory
I have been using Life Journal for many years, I am personally on my 4th! Great tool! I also purchase them as gifts to give away. The previous version's had tear out cards cards that we could add scripture memory versus. They no longer exist.
Beautifu Life Journal
Thank you for your prompt service. I received the Life Journal and the white with random designs will be a nice break from the red journals I usually use. Thanks so much for your quick reply and beautiful selection. Helene Tom
Wonderful journal
This is a great journal and I have been using these for many years. I would highly recommend these journals if you love to journal. I also like that they have a variety of colors. Great journal!